Where is Bono to Save Us?

August 5, 2008 at 5:40 pm (Uncategorized) (, , , , )

Where is Bono to save us?  Communiqué from the Save the Children Collective

To the native and immigrant peoples of Northern America
To the peoples and governments of the world
To the international press
To rockstars and celebrities on this planet and other heavenly bodies

From the Southern shore of Lake Mendota, the Save the Children Collective (the recent merger of the historic Cow Pie Collective and Cheese Curd Coop) demands that Bono and all other celebrity activists attend the upcoming Republican National Convention in St. Paul, MN, September 1-4.

President Bush is expected to address the RNC on September 1 — Labor Day — and presidential candidate John McCain is likely to be confirmed as that party’s choice candidate on the final day.  Roughly two thousand delegates are expected, with another 40,000 attendees, families, and impartial journalists trampling St. Paul and Minneapolis like a herd of elephants like they have trampled over the economies and cultures of the world.  But clearly, this is not sufficient for the perfect execution of the corporate orgy in the Xcel Center; 65,000 delegates — including 5,000 black-clad, scary anarchists — representing the people of the territory known as the United States have also been invited to the convention center, for a newly-invented polling procedure to be unveiled and carried out in the streets surrounding the capitalist cuddle puddle in the Xcel Center.

On the ballot are:
militaristic imperialism in Afganistan, Iraq, Palestine, Colombia, and Mexico;
aggression against the sovereign territories of Venezuela, Cuba, Iran, North Korea, and Pakistan;
corrupt lending practices by corporate banks in this country, and the International Monetary Fund and World Bank globally;
militarization of our black and latino neighborhoods, racial profiling, police brutality, and inequalities in our prison system;
slow and negligent disaster responses in New Orleans, the Midwest, and throughout the world;
raids by Immigration and Customs Enforcement agents and local law enforcement which divide our communities and go against our family values;
attacks against unions and our basic rights to organize, and exploitation of labor world-wide;
violent attacks against our queer and trans friends, and the complicity or participation by police;
the continual rape of our environment, and disregard for our endangered animal friends;
deprivation of basic land rights, and rights to healthy food;
the endangerment of human life and the health of our Earth through denial of global warming;
raids and attacks against global and domestic activist communities under the guise of the Green Scare and the War on Terror;
and generally, patriarchy, heteronormativity, sexism, transphobia, racism, fascism, capitalism, jingoism, classism, and all other forms of domination and oppression which exist in our daily lives and the lives of people around the world.

But, without messianic figures, who have gained celebrity through the power of transcendent vocals or compelling film roles, our movements simply lack direction and leadership, and the wisdom to know what is best for impoverished and oppressed victims of imperialism and neoliberalism around the world.  This should come as no surprise, because, as anarchists, we lack a corporatist, hierarchical organizational structure, and any sort of leadership or organization would go against our very nature.  Without a Bono, or a Geldof, or a Sean Penn, we simply cannot be hip.  Try as we might with our snazzy all-black get-ups, or our pink and blue spandex, it simply is not enough.

At this point, 26 days away from the convention, we would even settle for a Barack Obama appearance.  His message of hope and change makes us teary-eyed, and believe that, by voting for him, and leaving our future solely in his hands with no further action on our part, yes we can! change the world.

In the 200 years of this occupied territory’s history — and that of modern anarchism too, we should add — there is one thing we have learned, above all others.  It is that people cannot take their personal liberation into their own hands, and must depend on a savior to be freed.  The 8-hour work day, women’s suffrage, the end of slavery, and the overthrow of Jim Crow were, of course, granted to us through the goodwill of the State and corporations, not through any effort or sacrifice on the part of common people.  As we fight for human and animal liberation, an end to domination and exploitation, and ecological health and sustainability, our own individual and community resistance will be fruitless, as long as we lack a celebrity to personally profit off of the campaign, and guide us in the correct direction.

Therefore, the Save the Children Collective, and all other oppressed peoples around the planet, call on Bono and Obama to step forward and deliver us to salvation.

In love, anarchy, and mad riffs,

B3t0, October, and Zooropa
Save the Children Collective

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To Hell with Good Intentions

June 25, 2008 at 4:33 pm (Uncategorized) (, , , , , , , , , )

“Next to money and guns, the third largest North American export is the U.S. idealist, who turns up in every theater of the world: the teacher, the volunteer, the missionary, the community organizer, the economic developer, and the vacationing do-gooders. Ideally, these people define their role as service. Actually, they frequently wind up alleviating the damage done by money and weapons, or “seducing” the “underdeveloped” to the benefits of the world of affluence and achievement. Perhaps this is the moment to instead bring home to the people of the U.S. the knowledge that the way of life they have chosen simply is not alive enough to be shared.” – Ivan Illich, “To Hell With Good Intentions”

“We must all fear evil men. But there is another kind of evil which we must fear most, and that is the indifference of good men.” –Boondock Saints

We are rapidly approaching the Republican National Convention. Groups are packing community centers for public meetings, and living rooms for affinity meetings. Trainings in direct action, legal observation, and street medicine will begin shortly, if they have not already begun.

And just as we prepare, so are the city of St. Paul, the St. Paul Police, and right-wingers. Nothing to be surprised about: the city has long been trying to shut down protest in the city to keep open the orgy of corporate money, pollution, and war crimes, and the SPPD has been all too complacent in assisting in this, stocking up on tasers and other lethal weaponry. And right-wingers and military supporters (although surprisingly not vets) are talking hard about beating, jailing, and killing “extremists” and “protesters.” Such evidence can be seen in a Star Tribune article detailing STP’s propaganda campaign against protest, which includes a clear effort to dehumanize and marginalize protesters, so that–at least in the public eye–police won’t really be gassing or killing real people when they inevitably attempt to do so. Just check out the comments section, where there are clear calls for violence against protesters.

The ironic thing is that those who will be instigating the violence, destroying property and lives side by side, are not those mysterious black-clad hooligans, but rather those who continue to believe the lie that they are agents of peace: yes, the police.

But the real threat that we, the “radical” “fringe” “extremists” on the “left” face (radical: getting to the roots of the problems we face, rather than playing petty politics; fringe: operating outside of a corrupt and sick society that values money over life; extremist: extreme poverty and catastrophe merit extreme measures) is really others within the “left” as it is defined in this country. Before explaining why they contribute more towards our imminent collapse more than to its alleviation, let me talk about the protest itself.

September 1-4, the Republican National Convention will be held in St. Paul, MN. There is a three-tier, three zone strategy in place with the goal of preventing the convention itself from happening, much less the coronation of King John. The tiers represent a hierarchy of escalation, meeting primary goals then rising according to capacity and strength. The zones, meanwhile, permit a separation of time or space, to give all who are needing to protest an opportunity to do so in line with their comfort levels, without restricting the ability of others to do the same. Thus, it lets black bloc actions happen simultaneously with the peace march, while (hopefully) escaping the infighting which happened in Seattle, where protesters devote more energy to doing the jobs of the police, rather than spending that effort confronting power holders. This is part of what I will talk about later.

We have faced assault after assault over the past 8 years (well, since time immemorial, but who’s counting?). War has implicitly been declared against us–the left, the students, the poor, the women and queers, the workers and farmers–and every action taken by the current administration can be seen as an attack, an act of war. We are tired of being assaulted as such, we are tired of being jailed, starved, robbed, and injured. On September 1, we have a chance to stand up, and in the style of the Zapatistas, say “YA BASTA! Enough is enough!”

Many will show up to “protest,” to practice their “right to free speech.” We will not. We come out of self defense, both of ourselves and of our world, and of our neighbors all over this beautiful planet. The feeling of entitlement to speak freely and protest smacks of ignorance and naivety of the daily struggles of most people in our own country, who face a denial of both in their daily lives–people of all colors, women, gays, lesbians, queers, and transfolk, the poor, workers, and farmers: any of us who lack a voice in our everyday environments, who lack the freedom to be who we are in public without facing violence, who lack democracy in their jobsites. And this “right” to free speech also pivots around a faith in the Consitution, and in law and order, and in the state, which we really know are just tools to be used against us at the convenience of the holders of economic and political power in this country. Thus, we should not be so incessant about our rights as Americans, because those rights are merely carrots to lead us around the circular track of complacency. Rather, we should not be afraid to act in our own defense, and denounce those who abuse us, even from outside the bounds of their law. We should feel no remorse at confronting them in their offices, at their homes, in their streets, at their conventions, for they felt no similar remorse when they enslaved us, raped or beat us, or stole our lands and livelihoods.

This brings me to the point which I intended to make. As you can view in that same comment sections, or anywhere where there is discussion of direct action, you will encounter a holier-than-thou, morally-superior attitude amongst those Obamaniacs and self-proclaimed “progressives”, who support that false “right” to protest, but apparently will go out of their way to deride those who choose other forms of protest. We do not condone, obviously, the killing of cops or others, for they are workers too, with families. Yet we also do not expend more energy selling out those who are more radical, with the purpose of crowning ourselves heir to the left base. This is why the Democratic Party suffers the poverty and spinelessness it does now; it and its moderate supporters have been more than willing to dance with the devil, working with the real opposition to decapitate anarchists, communists, socialists, and all those who more legitimately represent their captured base. They claim to be the left, while sitting on thrones of trust funds and mansions; really, they are the bourgeoisie, opportunists and power-grabbers each and every one.

Additionally, their power-preserving doctrine has created the sins of “partisanship” and “divisiveness.” In short, they want everyone to be on the same side–that of the bourgeoisie. They know that if there are battle lines drawn, the artificial left/right divide will morph from what it is now (split over gun laws and abortion) and will become a real class division. Obviously, a united working class is dangerous (more dangerous than the currently united exploiting class).

We are expected to act civilized and as gentlemen; we have never been treated as such. We are the wretched of the earth, the filth, the producers of all wealth yet the receivers of none. Everything for everyone and nothing for ourselves. Such an outlandish suggestion is perpetuated by those same elites that claim to be our allies yet seek only our domination. The lines have already been drawn, my friends, those very same lines which we are supposed to ignore, by the bourgeoisie itself. It has declared war long ago, and it is time to respond in kind.

Most troubling is the pseudo-moral, voluntary capitulation and pacifism of the middle class. It is widely thought that allowing yourself to be brutalized, even killed, is the most effective way to bring social change. I won’t talk about this in-depth; instead I will recommend Peter Gelderloos’ “How Nonviolence Protects the State” and Ward Churchill’s (despite other controversies) “Pacifism as Pathology.” For the people who promote such an absurd idea are not the ones being beaten and jailed, but rather those already abused and exploited–allowing yourself to be victimized more will clearly not win anything. And such a strategy relies on paternalism: that powerful white males will see this and be converted, and then support them from their ivory towers and trust fund thrones. NO! Only by acting in self-defense can the exploited, the wretched gain empowerment, and even conceivably gain victory and equality. Such strategies, as employed in the past, have resulted in the whole-sale slaughter of radicals, while civil rights leaders sold out their base and delivered them to the wolves in liberals’ clothing.

In the context of this convention, no protest or display, no matter how victimizing, will convert Republicans. We are not there to convert, we are there to protect ourselves. We do not target hearts, we target bodies. This is not doublespeak for violence; we are merely physically shutting down the convention, and prohibiting business as usual. We recognize that in all actuality business will go on; but we strive for a performance that empowers others to action, that shows our strength and creates space for others to feel power over their own lives.

This manufactured fear of divisiveness and partisanship protect the rights of the elite over the rights of the rest. That delegates, war criminals and executives have the right to meet over our right to protest is elitist to the base. Perhaps it is good intentions; but as I said before, rights are not universally applied. Just as we have never had true freedom of speech, we should not be so preoccupied with protecting the supposed freedoms of our oppressors, especially when that speech results in a global genocide.

So I say, to hell with good intentions, to hell with non-partisanship and unity, for these things are myths, they are privileges which are not meant to benefit us. Let us be as divisive and anti-partisan as possible! The elites of the party are our enemies, plain and simple, for they only see us as animals to exploit and dominate. I’ll repeat, they are our ENEMIES, and should be thought of as such, for they already treat us accordingly.

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RNC WC: Solidarity with the Spider Monkey

June 17, 2008 at 8:17 am (Uncategorized) (, , , , )

We in the RNC Welcoming Committee want to express our solidarity with the spider monkey who recently used a garden hose to scale the wall of his enclosure and escape from a Michigan City, IN, zoo.  Acts of resistance like that taken by the Spider Monkey in Michigan City remind us that true liberation cannot be handed to us- we must take it, by any means necessary. For, much like our comrade the Spider Monkey, we find ourselves stuck in a fucking zoo.  A zoo called “electoral politics,” and if we had a garden hose, you can bet your sweet ass we’d scale that fuckin’ wall of oppression quicker than that Stingray killed Steve Irwin. Quicker than that Tiger mauled that jerkface that was taunting her in San Francisco a few months ago.  Quicker than that one Elephant trampled its keeper over in Hawaii a few years back- remember?

As we’ve said so many times before, our focus for the next few months may be on the RNC, but we hope our work transcends this two-party dog-and-pony show. After all, it’s not just dogs and ponies who get fucked over by this show. It’s also: Spider Monkeys, Bonobos, Mountain Gorillas, Tapirs, Siberian Tigers, Snow Leopards, Servals, Grizzly Bears, Black Bears, Burchell’s Zebras, Giraffes, African Elephants, Asian Elephants, Ibexes, Aardvarks, Spotted Hyenas, and the Common Wombat.

And though the Spider Monkey in Michigan City was eventually caught (next door) by the zookeepers and returned, we know that liberation remains only a garden hose away.

Zookeepers get fuckin’ smashed,
the RNC Welcoming Committee

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An ode to the folks in black

May 28, 2008 at 1:22 am (Poems/songs) (, , )

We dressed all in black, so that we could be free to act as individuals;

We covered our faces, so that we could be seen for who we truly are;

We carried spray cans and bricks, so that we could finally tell our side of the story;

and We organized, so that we could be strong and win!

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Fashionable Protest fliers

April 26, 2008 at 9:11 pm (Uncategorized) (, , , )

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We’re HERE, We’re DEER… RNC We’ll fuck you up!

April 26, 2008 at 12:25 am (Uncategorized) (, , , )

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April 13, 2008 at 11:37 pm (Uncategorized) (, , , )

This weekend was the Midwest Regional RNC Consulta.  I won’t go into a lot of detail (partly because a lot is internal discussion, in the planning stages, or somewhat secret), but many good things came out of the discussions.  In someways, large projects like the WTO protests in Seattle in 1999 and the upcoming RNC convention protests in Minneapolis are more about creating the structures necessary to protest these things, than to actually protest them.


Possibly the most promising and exciting thing emerging is Bash Back!  Bash Back! has taken many forms the past few years, but only just recently was it formally organized.  The first consulta was last weekend, April 5, in Chicago.  The main goal is to create an organizing structure for radical queer- and transfolk (and their allies) to resist and work towards shutting down the DNC and RNC this summer.  From the conversations we had this weekend, it sounds like a lot of awesome things are being planned, from subversive work at the corporate Pride Fests in Madison, Milwaukee, and Chicago (mainly the commodification by sexist and heterosexist corporations and organizations–mainly Stonewall Democrats and Log Cabin Republicans and the financial exclusion of poorer queer, trans, lgbt and “- of color” communities), to large-scale, radical direct action at the RNC.

The first show of the strength and potential of Bash Back! since the Chicago convergence can be seen in the Take Back the Night Rally.  Participants in the Midwest Regional Consulta formed a pink bloc to join the planned Take Back the Night events.  Unfortunately, we missed the group at the Capitol, but caught up with them on Langdon.  The TBTN people did a fabulous job organizing, and my comments should in no way be seen as a criticism of what they did.  The TBTN organizers obtained a permit to march on the sidewalks, and when we met up with them, that’s where they were.  However, the pink bloc members thought that to assert and stand up for our rights as LGBTQQetc, and oppose heteronormality, we would take the streets without permission or permit.  After all, it only makes sense to chant “WHOSE STREETS? OUR STREETS!” when you take complete control of traffic lanes, on your own terms.  We finally joined the TBTN march, and all of us together marched down the middle of Langdon.  I can’t speak for the others, and only have heard comments from other RNC participants, but for me at least it was incredibly empowering.  We took over the street, and there was nothing police or anyone else could do about it!

That isn’t to say that there weren’t problems with it.  We made some mistakes, we did some things which made others feel uncomfortable, and we didn’t organize or educate as well as we could have.  Those things have been brought up internally, and I won’t waste much more space here with an itemization of problems.


The upcoming Republican National Convention is really exciting for us.  First, we’ve been planning this for some time, and it’s really, really tight.  The Welcoming Committee has done a terrific job, and deserve all the credit in the world for their work so far.  Much care has been taken to separate actions by time OR location, to minimize spill-over effects from actions (mainly, police using direct actions to repress peaceful protest).  So, actions are divided into red, yellow, and green zones (or fluffy, furry and funky), and there are three tiers of action allotted, depending on how each progresses.  The intent is to completely shut down the RNC, and prevent the corronation of McCain as King of the Republican Party.  It would force the Party to select McCain without the theatrical participation of the delegates.

Most importantly, though, are the institutions that will be created.  Seattle gave us IndyMedia and other projects and tools, like affinity organization, and history will tell us what the RNC’s contribution to anti-authoritarian work will be.  But looking ahead 4 1/2 months, the future is so promising, so hopeful, that we cannot lose.

Another world is possible, and that world begins September 1.

See you in the streets of Minneapolis!

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